
Fighting in the United States baseball player Hu Jinlong Taiwan

Fighting in the United States baseball player Hu Jinlong Taiwan, is finally win their first hits this season, but unfortunately 2 to 10, the Los Angeles Dodgers San Francisco Giants were Tongzai, Dodge swallow 2 game losing streak.

Hu Jinlong take over from the Board voted 5 times to play defensive pinch bar, facing the starting Sang Qizi Giants (Jonathan Sanchez), number 2 good 1 bad ball adverse circumstances, Hu Jinlong remember the face of a speed ball, a stick to hit the outfield hit, this is his first year in Major League hits.

Then do not stay in the field Hu Jinlong garrison, when he was pitching for Board Weaver (Jeff Weaver) replace the play, Hu Jinlong hit number 1 today, 1 hits, batting average rose to 2 percent.