
Appreciate the Paintings of Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch (Edvard Munch ,1863-1944), the Norwegian expressionist painter. His mental anguish of a strong, call-style approach to the early 20th century German Expressionist play a major growth impact. "The Scream" (Norwegian Skrik, also translated as "scream" for 1893), is Munch's most famous masterpiece, is considered the existential anguish of depression in the performance of the idols of human works. Munch created during the turn of the century symphonic style "ribbon of life" (The Frieze of Life) series, "The Scream" belongs to this series. This series covers life, love, fear, death and depression and other topics. Munch to express these themes through his personal experience of life and death experience, such as "disease in children" (1886, Munch's sister Sophie's death portrait), the "sick room of death" (1893) "despair" (1893-94), the "Vampire" (1893-94), the "anxiety" (1894), "Ashes" (1894), "Dance of Life" (1900), each one paintings are extremely strong to convey the artist's feelings and emotions, described the details of the specific object is simplified, and the emotions were exaggerated, the object itself becomes a carrier of emotions to be shown, although they are still the figurative. Kind of lost the desire to escape the abyss and not the shadow of death, life, anxiety and frustration intertwined. Munch works amazing performance of strength from the inner world of the artist's unabashedly loyal expression.
As early as in 1889, 26-year-old Munch wrote: "We will not draw those newspaper men in the room and the woman knitting and we should draw those living people who breathe, feel, suffer, and love. "